Even that, we were tired and with our circadian rhythm altered we decided to go out to try to see something about Seoul.
To charge forces, we decided to try some local food, this part was hard due the menus were in English but we don't know exactly what that imply in real life, and we didn’t know exactly what order, So I made my first mistake in Seoul. I ordered Iced Noodles using a vendor machine.
I was thinking they were talking about the noodle style but was literally in ICE.
I’m sure that kind of noodles is typical here, but for me it was crazy.
Continuing with the cultural tour, we visit the Gyeongbok Palace, this palace is like the Korean version of Forbidden City in China. The price is low, and fortunately, we were in time to take the Free guided tour in English. There other free tours in Chinese and Japanese, three times per day.
Next, to the palace, we found the National Folks Museum, and we could appreciate part of the Korean culture.
One thing I don’t get is young people were wearing common customs and taking pictures of themselves, and others were like being models for foreign photographers.